Annual Leave is your right as a UK worker and a necessity for your mental and physical health! Annual Leave is a phrase we all love to use, yet most of us do not use it enough. A recent survey showed that over half of us do not use all our Annual Leave and that men are less likely to take a break from work than women.
Let us look at some statistics that might shock you:
· 62% of workers did not use all their Annual Leave in 2022.
· Only 1 in 5 UK workers get paid for their unused Annual Leave.
· More than 1 in 10 workers did not take their annual leave because they felt pressured by their managers not to!
· Women are more likely to use Annual Leave than men (50% vs 28%)
And here are the Top 5 reasons that people gave for not using all their Annual Leave:
1) I got paid for my unused Annual Leave
2) I am too afraid of my work piling up.
3) I forgot.
4) I wanted to work.
5) I felt pressured by management.
These are some frightening results, but are the reasons behind the lack of Annual Leave surprising? With the constant reminders of the‘cost of living crisis’ and the enticement of having just a slightly bigger paycheque at the end of the month, it is no real surprise that many of us would prefer to receive the extra cash than take a day off. We have also all experienced that feeling of being utterly swamped on our first day back at work after a week off.
However, do you also remember how good it feels to turn your 'Out of Office' on? How wide do you smile when you get home and take your first sip of wine on your first night off? How late do you sleep in when you no longer need to slam on the snooze button? Those moments are meaningful, memorable, and healthy (if they are earned – and boy, haven’t you earned them)! Let us review the health benefits of taking time off:
· Physical and Mental Health
o Taking your Annual Leave decreases your risk of stress and burnout. That also means that you are less likely to suffer the physical side effects of stress, which can include (but are certainly not limited to):
§ Difficulty breathing
§ Panic attacks
§ Sleep problems
§ Fatigue
§ Muscle aches and headaches
§ Chest pains and high blood pressure
§ Indigestion or heartburn
§ Sudden weight gain or weight loss
§ Developing rashes or itchy skin
§ Changes to your period or menstrual cycle
(Source: -
· Work-life balance
o A good balance of work and life allows you more control over all aspects of your life. This ensures you’re less likely to suffer from stress and more likely to feel like your life is well-rounded and that you’re not being asked too much of.
· Time with family and friends
o Being able to spend quality time with family and friends when your schedules usually collide is highly beneficial to your mental health. Feeling like you do not have time for your loved ones because of work also contributes to a feeling of ‘burnout’.
· Opportunity to travel.
o Annual Leave gives you the freedom to either take the time to recharge at home or to travel somewhere new. Travelling allows you to learn, become curious and adventure into an entirely new world you never knew. You can try a new language, new foods and new experiences.
Too many of us put off our Annual Leave and work too hard(yes, there is such a thing). There is no reason to ignore your annual leave or build it up for the end of the year for a slightly bigger paycheque. Annual Leave helps you improve your physical and mental well-being whilst also ensuring you do not suffer from burnout. Remember, you exist as a human being, not just a cog in a machine, so make sure you take time for yourself and take your Annual Leave!